
Terms And Conditions


Generally, man / woman or married couples who attained 60 years of age are eligible to apply for accommodation in St. Aloysius Home. Applicants will have to appear for an interview before the management and are required to submit the following documents:

Medical certificate from a recognized medical practitioner about his / her current state of health. Persons with contagious diseases, mental disorders, addicted to drugs, alcohol and those involved in criminal or court case shall not be admitted.

A letter of introduction from a recognized local authority (Panchayat President / ward member)

Residential certificate and birth certificate genuinely authenticated.

Catholics /Christians should bring along the following certificates / letter from the parish priest / pastor. Baptism certificate, a letter stating that in the event of death the person would be buried in the respective cemetery of the parish he /she belongs to at the time of admission.

Three passport size photographs and a copy of the Aadhar card.

A letter from the guardian/children/responsible person/s owning overall responsibility of the person concerned.

Declaration from a person assuring responsibility to pay the stipulated charges and to take care of hospitalization and associated expenses besides looking after the last rites for his/her ward.

Agreement from the service user to abide by the rules and regulations of the Home.


Any inmate who obtained admission on false representation will be dismissed from the Home.

Application For Admission

Application for admission to the Home shall be made in the prescribed form attached to the Prospectus and shall be submitted to the Manager or the Secretary with all the necessary documents and a written agreement on stamp paper duly signed in the presence of two witnesses agreeing to abide by the rules of the Home. Advance booking of a room can be done by paying an amount of Rs 200,000/ (two lakhs) which will be adjusted with the caution deposit on admission. The service user shall be admitted for a period of 3 months on an experimental basis on regular payment.

the service user leaves or is asked to leave the Home by the authorities of the Home after three months the caution deposit in full shall be refunded. If both the parties are satisfied the admission shall be made permanent.

Rules For The Service Users:

The Board of Trustees of the St. Aloysius Gonzaga Charitable Trust reserves the rights to review, amend, delete and add to the rules and regulations as and when required.

❖ The service user shall bring all the personal things (Bed sheets and toiletries etc.)

❖ The caution deposit fixed by the Board of Trustees of the Trust is to be paid at the time of admission.

❖ The decision of the Board of Trustees of the Trust is final with regard to the admission and dismissal of a service user.

❖ Persons who are accepted as service users will have no right of tenancy, occupancy, nor subletting.

Service users should take special care of their personal belongings like cash, jewelry etc. The Board of trustees will not be responsible for any loss or damage of such items. All the damages of the institution caused by the service users must be paid.

❖ If at any time a service user’s conduct is found to be contrary to the established discipline and practices of the Home or causes disturbance or undesirable annoyance to other inmates, such service user will be asked to leave the Home within the notice period indicated by the Board of Trustees in advance. In such case the service user will have to clear the dues before leaving.

❖ Service users are not allowed to smoke in the room / home and are not permitted to bring alcohol, drugs or any other such substance.

❖ Service users are not allowed to smoke in the room / home and are not permitted to bring alcohol, drugs or any other such substance.

❖ Water should be treated as a precious commodity and it shall be used economically. The taps should be properly closed

❖ If a service user becomes invalid and unable to take care of his/her own needs like eating and using the toilet he/she shall employ a bystander on payment and sharing the room.

❖ Those who do not want to take certain meals or are planning to go out for the night or for a few days, must obtain permission from the Manager. No service user will be allowed to go home unless a responsible person comes to take him/ her and agrees to bring him or her back. All those who are going out must reach back before 6 p.m. An entry must be made in the book about the time of leaving, the place of visit, contact number and time for returning. Such inmates cannot claim any reduction in monthly charges for the meals missed.

❖ All have the responsibility to take care of the equipments and keep the home and surroundings clean.

❖ Facilities for meeting the visitors are provided in the visitors’ room. Service users are not allowed to take their relatives or friends to their own rooms.

❖ The Service users are advised to create and maintain friendly atmosphere in the home without entering into arguments with others in the Home.

❖ Main light in the room must be put off by 10.30 p.m.

❖ The service user must not have any clandestine dealings with any of the staff of the Home. Tipping or giving presents directly to any of the staff is not permitted. But if one is particular to give a gift to a staff, he/she could contact the Secretary, who will do the needful. Any complaints about the staff or suggestions and correction must be informed to the Secretary directly or in writing. A suggestion box will be kept in the front office.

❖ All expenses related to the hospitalization and medical care shall be met by the service user or the children or responsible persons. In case a service user is seriously ill, the Home will inform one of the persons responsible for him/her who will be allowed to take the person to the hospital for specialized treatment and care.

❖ Wholesome and nutritious food will be provided. Different menus like vegetarian, non-vegetarian, sugar free and cholesterol- free according to the dietary prescription for each service user will be arranged. The menu prepared under the qualified dietician for a week will be displayed in the front office. This will be served in the dining hall at the following timings:

    ▪ Bed coffee: 6.00 a.m. – 6.30 a.m.
    ▪ Breakfast: 7.30 a.m. – 8.30 a.m.
    ▪ Mid-morning coffee / Tea: 10.30 a.m. – 11 .00 a.m.
    ▪ Lunch: 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
    ▪ Tea: 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
    ▪ Dinner: 7.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.

❖ The office will be opened from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. &2.00 p.m. to 5.P.m.

❖ Visiting time: 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.